Projects I Support

There are loads of really great projects in Cranbrook - some are run by charitable organisations, some are run by a group of passionate local residents keen to make changes and get things done. In the interests of transparency and to help you understand what I support, I maintain this list. If you've got a great project or campaign you think would benefit Cranbrook and would be worth me having a look at, get in touch!

Road Safety Campaign


There are a couple of parts to the Road Safety campaign. The first is a group of local residents who want to see better and frankly more sensible roads in the town. A great example is the lack of a crossing that is safe on Younghayes Road near the Co-Op and St Martins School. If you've seen a typical day around there, it is unsafe for pedestrians, it's unsafe for drivers and is a great example of the need to rethink the road setup and various push bodies like Devon County Council to change it. I support the desire to see '20 is Plenty' around Cranbrook. There's also the Community Speed Watch scheme that is police vette which I'm in favour of - it's another step in helping keep Cranbrook safe for everyone.

Transparency: I am actively part of the community led Road Safety Campaign group and helping research and find ways to facilitate the groups objectives & am supportive of the Community Speed Watch scheme. I'm a signatory to the campaign and have provided resources (for example printing) through my company for it.

Eon District Heating Action Group

Picture of the Eon Energy Centre in Cranbrook

I did a survey in the community recently - almost 30% of people listed the Eon District Heating fiasco as a top issue. I'm not surprised - it's how I first became involved. It is staggering how bad the service from them can be, and it's unacceptable that the service is unregulated, with residents effectively tied in with no competition or choice. I fully support and am very actively working to unravel the Eon fiasco and get to the bottom of how this has been allowed and how it gets fixed properly once and for all.

Transparency: I am actively part of the 'Monkerton Community Action Group', the 'Cranbrook Energy & Action Group', have attended non-public meetings with Eon (at the invite of Eon, and not associated with the council etc), and have had calls with Eon staff (all of which is to further my desire to help with this which started in January 2023). I am also in contact with some individuals (residents) in Cranbrook and Monkerton about issues and research into the scheme.

Cranbrook Community Association

Cranbrook Community Association

The community association helps bring people together & support local projects & ideas. Structured such that it can raise funds, provide insurance cover that help community & people led projects to happen. They can help 'join the dots' & help people new to Cranbrook find out more and settle in. I look forward to helping the association reach more people in the coming months.

Transparency: I have attended online meetings discussing the association, what it does etc in order to learn about it, and they pointed me in the direction of other community resources & groups I wasn't aware of - which is part of what they do for anyone. I've had discussions with some of the people running it.

Grow Eat Do


Grow Eat Do is a fantastic scheme running locally in Cranbrook. It has organised events from a picnic in the  the park to curry & quiz nights (there's one on 15th April, I'll be there! Get yourself a ticket and come along), A great way for people in the community to meet each other, socialise and have some food.

Transparency: I have attended events this group runs & am supportive of it. I have no influence over it directly and don't run it or participate in any sort of oversight capacity.

Cranbrook Festival

Cranbrook Festival Logo and Banner in the rainbow colour scheme

How could I not support the Cranbrook Festival! It's one of the main events in the town and loved by so many people - especially families. Run by people in the community and proof of what's possible when proactive people are allowed to create something for everyone to enjoy. The next one is on June 17th at the Cranberry Farm and will undoubtedly be a brilliant event once again.

Transparency: A friend is part of the committee and involved in running the festival. I've known him for 15+ years, and I have no involvement in the running the festival, but support it as a great & much loved local event that is great for Cranbrook & have attended it myself.

What does this mean?

Supporting a project means I am in agreement with a core part of the aim, objective or goals of that project, community group or campaign OR I recognise the contribution it makes to the community in Cranbrook and am supportive of it because it promotes & enhances the community.

I may also actively work with that project etc, attend meetings (passively to understand what they do) or may take an active role in the project. What I do is shown opposite in the 'transparency' section.

My normal rules of engagement are: I have to personally believe in what it is, does or aims to do. I also have to know that there is support and interest in it from the community in Cranbrook.

Disclaimer: I've recently been elected to the Town Council. I am campaigning to get voted onto East Devon District Council. This list is not indicative of any support they may or may not have for any given project. I'm speaking for myself here!

Why are you telling us?

I publish this list as part of my personal commitment to transparency, and I think it is important to be clear on what I am supportive of or involved with to avoid unclear conflicts of interest.