TC Meetings: Town Council September 2023

Town Council Meeting - Agenda for the meeting on 25th September 2023

The next Town Council meeting has been scheduled for 25th September 2023 at 7pm over at the Younghayes Centre. As always I’ve put together a summary of the items I think you might be most interested in below – the full agenda can be downloaded at the end.

Committee Appointments & Bank Reconciliations

One of the Councillors, Barry Rogers who has been part of the Town Council for a number of years has resigned. Accordingly we need to appoint other Councillors to take on his responsibilities, which also includes:

On 26 June 2023, the Council re-appointed Barry Rogers as its signatory for bank
statements and quarterly bank reconciliations (ref. minute 23/104(f)) in accordance with section 2.2. of the Council’s Financial Regulations which states that “On a regular basis, at least once in each quarter, and at each financial year end, a member other than the Chairman or a bank signatory shall be appointed to verify bank reconciliations (for all accounts) produced by the RFO. The member shall sign the reconciliations and the original bank statements (or similar document) as evidence of verification. This activity shall on conclusion be reported, including any exceptions, to and noted by the Finance and Personnel Committee”.

There is also a review of the Expenses Policy and a Co-Option Procedure – this recently was brought up as a new Councillor has joined (Roger) but the process for him doing so wasn’t entirely clear and not all Councillors were comfortable with the way it was done – so this should mean there is a clear idea of the expectations in future.

Council IT Tender

The Council is reviewing its IT Services needs and has been tendering for future supply. I’ve been part of this project and on the panel reviewing this with a view to finding the right supplier to look after the Council IT systems in future.

Younghayes Centre – Unauthorised Access

There are some issues with people accessing the roof of the Younghayes Centre which need to be addressed – not least for the safety of those doing so.

Wheeled Sports Facility (eg the Skate Park)

The Council received two copies of the design and build contract governing the
construction of the wheeled sports facility in the town centre by its contractor
Maverick Industries (ref. minute 22/63 dated 21 March 2022). The contract is
available in hard copy only and councillors are invited to inspect the document ahead of the meeting. The Council’s project manager studio four architects (ref. minute 22/44 dated 21 February 2022) has reviewed the contract and agree to it.
The Council’s Standing Order 23 covers the execution and sealing of legal deeds as follows:

(a) A legal deed shall not be executed on behalf of the Council unless authorised by a resolution.

(b) Subject to standing order 23(a), any two councillors may sign, on behalf of the
Council, any deed required by law and the Proper Officer shall witness their

To approve the execution of the contract by deed on behalf of the Council in
accordance with Standing Order 23.

The full Agenda can be downloaded:

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