TC Meetings: Town Council July 2023

July 2023 - Town Council Meeting Agenda Highlights

The July 2023 Town Council meeting Agenda has been published – this month isn’t particularly packed with items most residents will find interesting I suspect as much of the Agenda is dealing with general Council matters rather than things within the community. As always you can download the full Agenda at the end of this post.

My ‘highlights’ are:

a) Council IT Support Tender

As many of you know, as someone running an IT business, I’ve always been surprised at the costs of IT service for the Council and how much money is spent of public funds on what is a relatively small concern. The Council is going to tender IT supply with a view to assessing value and appointing the supplier going forward.

Transparency: I’ve helped contribute to this item but am not in conflict by way of tendering for the services myself, but have indicated what I think a competitive price would be based on what my company might charge.

b) Review of the Energy Supply for the St. Martins CCTV

As above – essentially a review of the proposed costs for the ongoing energy supply there.

The full agenda can be downloaded below:

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