TC Meetings: Town Council – August 23

The August 2023 Town Council Meeting is on Monday 21st August - and will include a guest from Devon & Cornwall Police

The August Town Council meeting has been scheduled for Monday 21st at 7pm over at the Younghayes Centre. Here are the highlights I think you’ll be most interested in:

Devon & Cornwall Police Visit

Given the amount of interest on issues of crime and policing in the Town at present, this is going to be of interest to many of you I’m sure – we’ll have a visit from the police and I really encourage you to come along and hear what they have to say – from the agenda:

The Town Council has invited Devon and Cornwall Police to attend the meeting to discuss locally relevant topics including:

  • Police numbers/dedicated resources
  • Police station in Cranbrook in the future
  • Antisocial behaviour
  • Vehicle speeds and parking problems
  • Youth provision

Application from Cranbrook Town Football Club for a grant

To consider a grant application by the Cranbrook Town Football Club for £1,081.22 towards essential equipment for the training and playing of matches.

Replacement of the little bins at St Martin’s

To consider the attached quotes and to appoint a contractor in accordance with the Council’s Financial Regulations after two bins were vandalised in early August 2023.

NOTE: The documents for this are not publicly available

The full agenda can be downloaded here:

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