TC Meetings: May 2023 Planning (Minutes)

The minutes have been published following the May 2023 Planning Committee Meeting at Cranbrook Town Council

The minutes have been published following the May 2023 Planning Committee Meeting at Cranbrook Town Council as follows:

(NOTE: This is a copy of the document as published on 23/05/23) – available to download in original PDF format at the end of this post)

Committee: Planning Committee
Date: Monday, 22 May 2023
Time: 6.30 pm
Venue: Younghayes Centre, 169 Younghayes Road, Cranbrook EX5 7DR

Cllr Ray Bloxham (Chair)
Cllr Matt Bayliss
Cllr Kim Bloxham
Cllr Colin Buchan
Cllr Barry Rogers
Cllr Les Bayliss
Cllr Kevin Blakey

Also Present:
One Member of the Public
Cllr Vincent Wilton
Cllr Lisa Goudie
Alexandra Robinson, Cranbrook Town Council

The Chairman reminded members that stating a particular view ahead of a Meeting of the Planning Committee could amount to predetermination and exclude that Councillor from consideration or voting thereon. If Members needed to seek clarification in advance of a meeting, they were invited to do so through the Clerk.

No apologies were received, all were present.

Cllr Kim Bloxham declared a personal interest reference Item (8) by virtue of being a Member of East Devon District Council Licensing Committee.

It was proposed by Cllr Les Bayliss, seconded by Cllr Matt Bayliss and resolved to accept and
sign the minutes of the meeting held on 24th April 2023 as a correct record.

No members of the public requested to comment on any matters under public participation.

The Committee reviewed its terms of reference.
It was proposed by Cllr Ray Bloxham, seconded by Cllr Kevin Blakey and resolved to adopt the Terms of Reference for 2023-24 subject to minor amendment to item 5. to include the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Council as ex-officio members of the Committee. The Chair and Vice Chair of the full Council would have voting rights and form part of the quorum.2 The Terms of Reference would be recommended to the Full Council for approval.

The Chairman reported on items within the Monitoring Report:
(71) 22/0406/MOUT – Land at Cobdens North of London Road, approved at East Devon District Council on 25th April 2023.

The Committee noted the updated Monitoring Report.

The Committee considered the County Council’s proposed Annual Local Waiting Restriction Programme for the East Devon Highways and Traffic Orders Committee (HATOC). All submissions will be summarised and reported to the next meeting of the East Devon Highways and Traffic Orders Committee which is scheduled for 17th July 2023.

The sites relating to Cranbrook are in Younghayes Road at the junctions with Barn Orchard, Best Park and Severn Acres as well at Yonder Acre Way junction with Crabtree Close and around the Education Campus in Tillhouse Road junction with Crannaford Lane. Members noted that, previously, the Town Council requested that the Highway Authority review its “no line – no sign” policy for the town and install parking restrictions at a small selected number of locations to both respond to visibility issues at junctions as identified at a site meeting attended by the OPCC, Police Highway Safety Officer and others and to trial a more traditional alternative to
deter inappropriate parking.

The proposals set out in the five plans for Cranbrook are broadly in line with the Town Council request. However the Chairman highlighted the area around the Education Campus (Tillhouse Road / Crannaford Lane) and reported that since making the request the Consortium has brought forward a planning application for Town Centre infrastructure which has been validated and approved by the Local Planning Authority. Application reference (21/2509/MRES). This approval is in line with Town Council comments and delivers two crossing points outside the Campus – one for pedestrians and a second parallel crossing for both pedestrians and cyclists. The timescale for delivery of this scheme is not known at this stage.

Therefore, in isolation, the proposed parking restrictions around the campus are supported and broadly in line with the original request, however, should there be any delay in delivering the town centre infrastructure (including the crossings) the restrictions are supported as proposed.

Alternatively should the infrastructure be delivered sooner rather than later the proposed parking restrictions need to be amalgamated with the infrastructure proposals to accommodate the two crossing points.

Following discussion, it was proposed by Cllr Kevin Blakey seconded by Cllr Colin Buchan and Resolved to delegate to the Clerk and Chair of The Planning Committee to formulate a response on the submission form on the DCC website in accordance with the committee report.

The Committee will support the proposals for parking restrictions for the sites in Younghayes Road and Yonder Acre Way and also support the installation of restrictions around the Education, Campus, either in isolation or in conjunction with the approved town centre infrastructure planning application (21/2509/MRES).

The Committee noted that until recently mobile street traders were granted a licence to use designated bays within the town centre but given the ongoing town centre development it is not practical for them to continue trading in those areas at this time. East Devon Licensing have invited3 the Committee to consider suitable street trading locations as a temporary alternative for the duration of the construction works in the town centre.

Following discussion, it was proposed by Cllr Ray Bloxham, seconded by Cllr Colin Buchan and Resolved that the Committee were not able to suggest suitable temporary alternative street trading locations for the duration of the construction of the town centre. However, the committee would consider any suggestions that either EDDC Licensing Committee or applicants wish to bring forward.

The meeting closed at 6:57 pm.

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