TC Meetings: May 2023 Amenities Committee Meeting

The Amenities Committee will meet on 22nd May to discuss a wide variety of items from Play Park works to long standing concerns over the Allotment walkways

The next Cranbrook Town Council Amenities Committee Meeting will be on 22nd May 2023 at 18:45 (or when the Planning meeting ends) at the Younghayes Centre following the Planning Committee Meeting.

There are quite a few items in this agenda some of which are pretty normal and I’ve skipped those this time around.

Here are the things I think you might be most interested in:

Public Participation

You’re welcome to come along if you’ve any questions about items on the agenda or more generally – there is a slot near the beginning of meetings for this purpose and any member of the public can attend – just turn up.

St Martin’s Play Area – Path Remediation

Discussion about works to improve the paths at St. Martin’s Play Area which haven’t yet been done – some work was previously done to replace the original materials that have led to poor drainage etc. Some parts were done back in 2022 and have seen considerable improvement so there is a desire to do the rest. This should make it less problematic with rainfall and make it easier for accessibility – wheelchairs, pushchairs etc and stop it being such a problem during bad weather.

A recommendation to authorise spending of £8675 + VAT on this has been made.

St Martin’s Play Area – Maintenance & Repairs

There are some upkeep/maintenance and repair proposals in for the Play Area – specifically: Maintenance for the Cableway (£360 + VAT), Flat Swing Repair Works (£310.60 + VAT), Replacement of Fixings for Large Toddler Multi-Play Unit (£85.00 + VAT) – and some completed repair works noted.

Crannaford Play Area – Path Remediation

There is a proposal to carry out some works despite this being a newer Play Area as there are some issues arising with the pathways – with a proposal to spend £687.00 + VAT on works to correct this.

Road Safety – Vehicle Activated Sign Management

There is on Younghayes Road a Vehicle Speed Indicator device which needs maintenance & management. This includes getting some training (some free training is available through Devon County Council) and/or outsourcing management of it at an expected annual cost of £1300.00. Without management or maintenance the tool would be essentially ineffective.

Weed Control

The areas highlighted are managed for Weeds and this is outsourced. Some costs estimated are expected for this work – around £590 + VAT – but there may be possibility to get some costs offset by Devon County Council contributions.

Crannaford Allotments – Path Remediation

There is a proposal for some work to improve the situation with paths in the Allotments – one option is estimated around £30,400 and another at £4,825 – this latter being a smaller project and cover less of the walkways and considered due to this being the worst impacted.

Crannaford Allotments – Maintenance

There is an issue with contamination of the water at the Crannaford Allotments which occurs as a result of the simple reality of use and being a water trough – this needs maintenance. A proposal exists to resolve this by appointing a contractor to perform annual draining, flushing, cleaning and refilling of the water troughs – the cost of which is £128.85 as quoted – using the same contractor as previously with a small increase in cost.

My Take:

My personal view on this Agenda is that there are quite a few maintenance items that will be worth serious consideration given they’re all well used facilities that should be looked after. If you’ve got a view on them and you think I should consider this (I’m part of the Amenities Committee) when I attend the meeting and vote on items, Get In Touch.

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