TC Meetings: June 2023 Planning (Minutes)

June 2023 Planning Committee Meeting Minutes - including Mout Farlands and a District Heating related application.

The minutes from Cranbrook Town Council’s June 2023 Planning meeting have been published – details below:

Cllr Les Bayliss
Cllr Kevin Blakey
Cllr Kim Bloxham
Cllr Ray Bloxham (Chair)

Also Present
Cllr Lisa Goudie, Cranbrook Town Council
Janine Gardner Cranbrook Town Council

Apologies were received from Cllrs Matt Bayliss, Colin Buchan and Barry Rogers.

No interests were declared or dispensations granted.

It was proposed by Cllr Kevin Blakey seconded by Cllr Les Bayliss and resolved to accept and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 22 May 2023 as a correct record.

No members of the public were present.

The Chairman reported on items within the monitoring report:

(88) 22/2307/MRES Land at Cranbrook Town Centre Basin 2c. The Committee reiterated its general support for the expansion of the basin to cater for the development of the town centre. However, in doing so it highlighted the following points:

a) The existing outfall must be made safe for the longer term and should be filled so that there would be no danger of a collapse of the cover in future. Equally the existing outfall tended to equalise the water levels in the river and basin and this needed to be prevented in the future.

b) The Town Council questioned the rationale for raising the bed level along the northern edges. This would encourage reed growth which could reduce capacity and would require increased clearance.

c) There was a need for a deed of variation to address the financial contribution on adoption given the increased maintenance responsibilities.

d) Whilst the Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) is acknowledged, the Town Council would like to seek assurances that there would be liaison to minimise disruption and to identify alternative routes for events such as the Park Run.

e) The Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) must take full and continual account of the impact on the Education Campus, children travelling to and from school and on local residents particularly in Stone Barton.

f) The local planning authority East Devon District Council should adjust the location to reflect an accurate description of the site. The application related to Cranbrook town centre, not Broadclyst town centre. The Committee recommended that the local planning authority check the location description of Cranbrook applications as part of validation to prevent the continual use of out-of-date locations.

A member of the Committee questioned whether the dormice survey conducted in November 2021 remained current and the Committee requested that the planning authority confirm this.

The Committee had considered the application in advance of the meeting due to a tight timescale for responses set by the local planning authority East Devon District Council.

The Committee agreed to its response to application 22/2307/MRES.

The Committee noted the updated monitoring report.

The Committee considered the application for the development of up to 260 houses, commercial/retail uses, public open space including youth sports pitch, vehicular access and associated infrastructure (outline application with all matters reserved except access and accompanying environmental statement) at Farlands, London Road.

The Committee noted that the application had been considered on numerous occasions by the Town Council, with comments submitted in March 2016 and December 2019. Councillors noted that the amended plans concentrated on the London Road junction and despite the road safety audit the proposals remained

The Committee considered the proposed T-junction as unacceptable and highlighted that a roundabout or traffic light system would be preferable for road safety and traffic flow purposes.

The Committee further observed that, in its opinion, both the local planning as well as the highway authorities should apply a holistic approach in their treatment of existing and future junctions off the B3174 and not continue to consider new proposed junctions in isolation. The treatment of the B3174 currently lacked overall strategy and coordination.

Following discussion, it was proposed by Cllr Les Bayliss seconded by Cllr Kevin Blakey and resolved that whilst the Town Council did not object to the principle of developing the site, which was in accordance with the Cranbrook Plan, the Town Council objects to the application on the grounds that the proposed principal
access on to the London Road is unacceptable as an uncontrolled junction. This would lead to increased pressure on adjoining parcels as residents seek alternative exit points which would result in “rat runs” being developed through residential streets, frustration as queues would build (particularly with traffic heading west) and in collisions. The Committee also encouraged the local planning and highways authorities to develop and apply a holistic approach in their treatment of existing and future junctions off the B3174 and not continue to consider new proposed junctions in isolation.

In addition, the Town Council would seek assurances on the following:

  • the former Second World War radio station being recognised within the development.
  • adequate off-road parking being provided to at least minimal standards and that, where provided,
    garages would be of sufficient size to accommodate a vehicle and are conditioned against conversion to
    residential use.
  • power cables should be routed underground, and the redundant pylons be removed.

The Committee considered an application for the revised boundary for the adopted Local Developmen Order (LDO) for District Heating Networks under application number 20/0530/LDO District Heating System Clyst Honiton.

The change proposed represented a wider geographical area to include the Hill Barton development and would enable a greener heat solution for the town and wider area served by district heating.

Following discussion, it was proposed by Cllr Kevin Blakey seconded by Cllr Les Bayliss and resolved to support application 23/1102/LDO.

The meeting closed at 6:52pm.

You can download the original Minutes document as published by the council here:

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