Cranbrook Town Council has announced a Planning Meeting will be held on 5th June 2023 at 18:30 at the Younghayes Centre. Here’s a summary of the key parts of the agenda as scheduled:
Public Participation
As usual, there is a spot reserved for any public questions or comments – anyone is welcome (legally allowed) to attend the meeting itself and Cranbrook Town Council has a spot for you to ask the Council about anything you wanted to (within reason) – it doesn’t necessarily have to be about Planning. If you want to attend you can just turn up, and if you wanted to ask anything, the public participation part is usually at the beginning of the meeting. Speak to the Chairman if you want to speak is advised – not necessary as such – as they can advise and ensure you’re given a chance.
Items for this Agenda:
There aren’t many items on this agenda but you might find them significant:
1) Monitoring Report – you can have a look at the monitoring report by downloading it:
2) Planning Application: Farlands London Road (EX5 2PJ)
There’s an outline planning application for development – there is a report provided as follows:
Development of up to 260 houses, commercial/retail uses, public open space including youth sports pitch, vehicular access and associated infrastructure (outline application with all matters reserved except access and accompanying Environmental Statement)
This is an amended plans application for the site at Farlands to the immediate east of Ingrams Sports pitches. It is an outline application with all matters reserved except access.
The application has been seen on numerous occasions by the Town Council with comments submitted in March 2016 and December 2019.
Previous comments are summarised as follows:
- The comments in 2016 and 2019 were broadly similar.
- The principle of development was supported – (This has since been established by the finding sound of the Cranbrook Plan).
- Concern about the presence of a WW2 radio station site. This is identified in the Archaeological appraisal but appears not to be retained.
- Concerns about the principal access on to the London Road.
- The youth football pitch immediately to the east of Ingrams is welcome.
- Pylons across the site (it is understood that subsequently these are to relocated underground).
- Concerns about density of the site.
- Concerns about inadequate parking, a call for minimal parking arrangements and usable size garages.
- Links to the Cranbrook Plan (since resolved).
The current amended plans submitted on 4th May are relatively limited and concentrate on the proposed London Road junction. Layout plans in relation to this are attached.
These proposals are felt to be unacceptable with a single uncontrolled T junction with the London Road. There are proposals for links to adjoining parcels but these will not be the principal route in and out of the parcel and will only add pressures to the adjoining streets.
With a proposal to deliver 260 homes in the site – which is immediately adjacent to Cobdens with a further 1435 homes already approved in outline, the T junction proposal will only lead to considerable traffic congestion, particularly at peak times, frustration and collisions. Most of the commuter traffic would tend to turn to the west towards the major employment areas and therefore there is likely to be a buildup of right turn traffic at this junction.
The proposals cannot be viewed isolation as the junction is close to a number of other proposed junctions which provide access to Cobdens, Ingrams (housing), Ingrams (Sports), Grange, The Gypsy site, Gribble Lane as well as a number of other minor access points.
A road safety audit has been conducted and the points raised as well as the designers responses are attached. Notwithstanding this the proposals remain unacceptable.
It is recommended therefore that whilst the Town Council does not object to the principle of developing the site (as it is in accordance with the Cranbrook Plan) the Town Council objects to the application on the grounds that the proposed principle access on to the London Road is unacceptable as an uncontrolled junction. This will lead to increased pressure on adjoining parcels as residents seek alternative exit points (which leads to rat runs being developed through residential streets), frustration as queues build (particularly with traffic heading west) and result in collisions.
In addition the Town Council would seek assurances on the following:
That the former WW2 radio station is recognised within the development.
That adequate off road parking will be provided to at least minimal standards and that, where provided, garages are of sufficient size to accommodate a vehicle and are conditioned against conversion to residential use.
That the pylons on the site are relocated underground.
You can view the other documents related by downloading them:
3) Planning Application: District Heating System Clyst Honiton
To consider revised boundary for the Adopted Local Development Order (LDO) for District Heating Networks under application number 20/0530/LDO.
This Local Development Order (LDO) grants Permitted Development rights for District Heating transmission and distribution networks such as the installation of pipes, cables and wires, heat exchange equipment, street furniture, and ancillary engineering works within defined areas of land in East Devon as shown on the attached plan.
The revision to the area of the LDO provides for the work that is ongoing to harness residual heat from waste to energy at Hill Barton and members will note that the revised LDO area extends to the Hill Barton site.
The proposed order sets out what is not permitted and also provides a range of conditions.
These are available to read on the draft LDO on the EDDC planning website. These provisions are carried forward from the existing LDO which is now sought to be extended.
In essence the change proposed is a wider geographical area to provide for the Hill Barton project.
The proposal are consistent with the move to a greener heat solution for the Town and wider area served by District Heating.
Existing Boundary (quality is poor as per public document):

Proposed Boundary: