TC Meetings: June 2023 Finance & Personnel Meeting

The next Finance & Personnel Committee meeting has been set - on the Agenda there are several grant applications. & reviews of previous grants along with many other itemss

The next Finance & Personnel Committee meeting is going to be on 5th June. The Agenda has now been published – I’ve put the key items you might be interested in here for you to see – but remember this isn’t everything in the meeting – you can download the full agenda at the end as published by the Council – there are a lot of other items to be discussed as you’ll see in those documents.

1) Grant Applications

There are some applications for grants (remember: Cranbrook Town Council has an annual grants budget – see previous grants here). Grant requests have been received from:

Cranbrook United Football Club – £3000.00
(to help the Club cover the costs of unexpected venue hire costs, as a result of the closure at the Ingrams Sports Pitches.)

More information about the grant can be found in the download below including more detail of what they’re asking for and why:

Cranbrook Girl Guides – £1056.00
(in recognition of he first Girlguiding units opening in Cranbrook 10 years ago in May 2013. The Guides are requesting funds to enable them to subsidise a special “10th Birthday” activity evening at the Bear Trail (nr. Cullompton) which would be open to all current Rainbows, Brownies and Guides. The applicant is also requesting funds to purchase customised items for two new local girlguiding units which closed due to Covid but have recently reopened.)

You can find more information about the grant in the download below including more detail on what they’re asking for and why:

Hospiscare – £500.00
(towards the cost of the nurse call system which is urgently needed for the inpatient unit at Searle House in Exeter).

You can find out more about the grant in the download below including more detail on what they’re asking for and why:

2) Grant Feedback

Previous grants have been given to Cranbrook Football Club and Cranbrook Little Library. They have to submit feedback on the grants – the feedback documents are below:

3) Exercise of Public Rights to inspect Accounts

The period for the exercise of public rights is the period during which the accounting records for the financial year to which the audit relates and all books, deeds, contracts, bills, vouchers, receipts and other documents relating to those records must be made available for inspection by any person interested. The period lasts for 30 working days set by the smaller authority and must include the first 10 working days of July.

The Committee is asked to recommend to the full Council the period for the exercise of public rights from Monday, 3 July 2023 until Friday, 11 August 2023.

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