TC Meetings: Amenities (July 2023) – Summary of Key Decisions

My post-meeting summary of the Amenities Committee meeting is now available

The formal minutes will be released in due course for the meeting this evening (and should be considered the formal record!) – but there were a few items that arose I wanted to just share updates on as I know lots of you are interested… please remember though this is my recollection and I do my best to be accurate – if I become aware of any errors I’ll always correct of course.

1) Crannaford Play Area

It has been agreed to remove the gravel and install an alternative which we hope will make the play park a little nicer and safer and get rid of the issue of having gravel all over the place. The idea is that if this works out it might well be a solution elsewhere – the gravel is proving problematic and it is well accepted.

2) Great Meadow Fencing

The Council has resolved to look at this further and hasn’t resolved to remove the fencing as it stands – there are a mix of views and some members of the public attended too to give views (thank you for coming whoever you are!). Council has however resolved to get some wire fencing installed on the London Road gate to help reduce the risk of escaping dogs etc.

3) Cutting of Grass in the Country Park

The item about cutting the grass and bailing it has been resolved with an amended option – to go ahead and cut the grass, but not to bail it – there are issues with bailing from arson to storage, lengthy decay times and issues with removal of it, so for this year the decision was made to cut the grass, but not to bail it. Some discussion has been held about if in future it could be bailed and those bails used for other purposes since it is of no real value to farmers etc for feed (this has been looked at).

4) Community Speedwatch

The update was given and one of my fellow Councillors asked a question I had – which was whether the information could be published publicly – we have been advised it can be – so please find below the Community Speedwatch Data summary – there is more break down and I’ll review this soon to see if it is worth publishing (it has a breakdown of locations etc).

Town/Parish Council Report for Cranbrook.
Reporting between 29/09/2021 and 29/06/2023

Summary for this Period
Number of Sessions this period  =  18
Total Vehicles exceeding limit  =  56
DVLA Valid vehicles  =  45
Accuracy  =  80%
Maximum Speed recorded in 20 limit  =  51 mph(+154%)
Maximum Speed recorded in 30 limit  =  40 mph(+33%)
Maximum Speed recorded in 40 limit  =  52 mph(+30%)
Police Actions this Period
Letter sent 1  =  37
No letter sent  =  11
Reported to SWAN  =  1

My group started Recording* on  =  30/09/2021
Number of Sessions since start date  =  18
Vehicles recorded exceeding limit since start date =  56
Maximum Speed recorded in 30 limit  =  51 mph(+70%)
Maximum Speed recorded in 30 limit  =  40 mph(+33%)
Maximum Speed recorded in 40 limit  =  52 mph(+30%)

Community Speedwatch Report for Cranbrook Parish

If you want to review the original Agenda etc, my summary and links to the document was posted here.

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