TC Meetings: Amenities Committee – December 2023

The December 2023 Amenities Committee Meeting is on Monday 4th at 7pm. Here are the main items I think you'll be interested in.

The next Amenities Committee Meeting is on Monday 4th December at 7pm over in the Younghayes Centre – the meeting is open to the public. Here are the items I think you’ll be most interested in – the full agenda is at the end:

Update from the Cranbrook Country Park Ranger

The ranger provides a regular update on his activities and work for the community and around the country park. His report can be downloaded below:

Update on the Vehicle Activated Sign in Cranbrook

Some data has now been provided from the ‘Vehicle Activated Sign’ (the speed warning box that is placed around Cranbrook) indicating the scale of speeding in the town.

Community Clothing Banks

During October, the Council was made aware that clothing banks had been installed in and around Cranbrook. The owner was contacted and requested to remove the clothing banks from land within the responsibility of the Town Council and Developer Consortium as consent had not been sought nor had the sites been assessed for
their suitability.

The full Agenda can be downloaded below:

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