Devon County Council has announced that Cranbrook will soon be getting a ‘special free school’ in the town and has started the process to invite potential sponsors to run the school.
What is this school for?
The proposed school will be a 70 place special free school for pupils aged 9-16 years of age with:
- autistic spectrum disorder
- social, emotional and mental health
- cognition and learning
- speech, language and communication needs
More details?
Here are some more details from Devon County Council if you want to dig in:
Devon County Council is seeking to open a new 70 Place Special School to support learners with complex and cognitive special needs – Cognition and Learning, SEMH, ASC, Speech, Language & Communication. The proposed age range will be NCY5 to NCY 11.
This is a single Authority bid with the school site located within Cranbrook, a growing new town on the outskirts of Exeter in East Devon. Cranbrook is anticipated to grow to over 8,000 in the next decade and land for the new Special School is allocated in the Local and Town Plan.
The school will support the local authority in meeting its statutory responsibilities in respect of the supply of sufficient suitable school places. The school is expected to be full within three years of opening and will be located adjacent to a new primary school which is specifically required to support the need from the expanding town. The provision itself will support an unmet need in the state funded sector and provide a school close to where learners live ensuring local schools for local children.
The new arrangement will support the delivery of the following key priorities.
- All children and young people with SEND are in appropriate educational placements receiving at least a good quality of education, with health and social care support as needed, to achieve their potential;
- Children and young people with SEND are well prepared for the next stage of their education, employment or training and their adult lives;
- Children, wherever possible, are educated in their local communities with their peers;
- Identification, assessment, and support are timely and appropriate to the level and type of need, offering equity for across the county.
- The Local Area fulfils its statutory duties in relation to Education Health and Care Plans.
- Parents and carers of children with SEND report that their children receive the support their children and young people to which they are entitled.
Devon has since 2018 created additional special school places to meet the increasing numbers of students who require specialist provision. This programme has included expansions and four new schools either open or due to be open in the foreseeable future.
As well as creating additional numbers, opportunities have been taken to provide places in areas where children and parents are underserved: reducing long journeys to access appropriate provision. This is particularly relevant given the rural nature of Devon.
Devon, in line with other Local Authorities, has experienced a significant rise in the number of children requiring statutory plans. This has resulted in an over reliance on the Non-Maintained and Independent Sector and pressures on the High Needs Budget.
The number of learners in Devon requiring a statutory plan is expected to rise from 7,300 to 9,200 between 2021 and 2026, a 26% increase. The primary needs seeing most growth are Cognition and Learning SEMH/ASC and Speech, Language and Communication.
Despite this increase, the overarching Devon plan to reduce the long-term reliance on the independent sector can be summarised as:
Source: Devon County Council
- increasing the capacity and inclusivity of mainstream settings;
- the ongoing review and recommissioning of existing special schools; and
- the provision of additional places to target higher levels of need and complexity.