Neighbourhood Watch in Cranbrook

Cranbrook now has a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme - sign up and start being part of a community led initiative to improve our town.

A lot of people have asked over the years since Cranbrook was established if a Neighbourhood Watch scheme exists – and there has often been interest in such a scheme. I’m pleased to say that a scheme is now being started and you can become involved.

Should I join the Scheme?

If you’re interested in helping as a community to look after our town – yes! It doesn’t cost anything and you can choose how much or little you’re actively involved (and change it anytime). It takes just a couple of minutes to do it.

What will be required for it to be a success?

To be a success, we will need people to co-ordinate and participate in helping the scheme operate – and we’ll need some co-ordinators and deputy’s in due course from the Community – again I’ll share more on this and help things progress soon.

For now, if you want to take part in any way, or just be a member of our local scheme, please go to the OurWatch site and sign up:

Want to be a co-ordinator?

Please get in touch with me to let me know (and make sure you’ve signed up!) – I’ll be getting in touch with those interested to make sure we can try and make the scheme a success and it will absolutely need people from around Cranbrook to participate – like many initiatives it will only be a success if people take part.

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