Eon District Heating – Whoops we made a mistake

In yet another incident highlighting what a shower the Eon District Heating network is and why it should be regulated and ideally simply forbidden from holding a monopoly over consumers thanks to Councils deciding the primary objective for them of a ‘low carbon future’ means more than robbing residents blind, Eon has played a nice little ‘Happy Easter’ card on us all…

Today people are receiving a ‘sorry we made a mistake’ letter where they announce the already eye-watering increases are in fact not enough – then use some sleight of hand to try and make out it’s fine and then add some waffle about the Government Price Guarantee (something they’re not held to as they’re not regulated) helping sort of reduce it again.

The New New Tariff

  • Primary Unit Rate (‘First’ 3250 kWh per year) – now 17.62p/unit
  • Secondary Unit Rate (everything else) – now 13.86p/unit
  • Annual ‘Standing Charge’ (‘Heat Energy Service Charge’) of £205.46

Of course that’s not quite that simple either, because:

  • The 13.86p for the secondary units is after some fake Government Price Guarantee Rate discount taking it down from what would have now been 15.52p – it’s unclear how this works once the GPG goes given it isn’t really part of it to begin with.
  • The 17.62p for the primary units is also similarly after ‘discounts’ on the GPG so it would have been 19.13p.

How does it compare to Gas?

It’s worth noting that right now based on some quick quotes I’ve done, if you were in a normal ‘Gas Boiler’ type of home, you would be paying around 10.52p per unit on a typical domestic tariff including the Government Guarantee. without it that would be 12.81p.

The effective Annual Standing Charge would be £100.27 (a mere £105.19 more a year in Cranbrook on the ‘comparable’ service), and you’d pay anywhere from 3.34p to 7.1p a unit less for your energy.

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