E.On District Heating – Negative Reviews Campaign from tithebarn

Devon Live have published a great article today discussing the E.On District Heating system in both Cranbrook and down the road in Tithebarn/Monkerton.

Devon Live have published a great article today discussing the E.On District Heating system in both Cranbrook and down the road in Tithebarn/Monkerton.

They’ve done a great job of featuring some of the key complaints that residents in both communities face and I’m pleased to have been quoted in a personal capacity as someone who has actively campaigned for some time on these issues.

I’m grateful that the Government is starting the processes to get E.On District Heating to become a regulated service – this will help for sure, but it won’t finish the job – with everything from billing, service reliability and support for the vulnerable when things go wrong a problem, a lot more needs to be done.

Over in Tithebarn they’ve actively started a project to share negative reviews of the E.On Service in an attempt to help raise awareness of just how poor the service from E.On is – but it speaks really to the larger issues that are essentially identical to those faced by people in Cranbrook.

You might be interested to know likewise that E.On has also recently had other complaints from regulators raised in another guise (because E.On is a series of companies) – this time relating to E.On Next – but you might well be familiar with the problems as there seems to be a lot of commonality to them!

Have a look at the OfCom publication here:

E.ON Next Energy Limited: Provisional Order | Ofgem

Meanwhile, the Devon Live article featuring Tithebarn and Cranbrook is here:


I know just how frustrating everyone finds the lacklustre services from E.On – it’s a constant topic locally and causes anxiety for those getting huge unexpected bills or finding they’re without basic hot water service etc – I’ll keep doing my part to help get E.On held to account and for as long as it takes to see the results everyone deserves along with others in the Energy Action Groups in Cranbrook and Monkerton.

Oh, and if you aren’t sure who I am but happened to be at the public meeting with E.On at the Energy Centre back in January, I was the guy who stood up and got pretty intensive with E.On after hearing endless excuses about the service.

Please remember my posting policy – nothing I post is a statement by me as a Town Councillor (in this case remember, E.On District Heating isn’t anything to do with the Town Council – they didn’t even exist when it was dreamed up) – and of course it is thus also not a statement for the Town Council. My work on this is strictly part of my work with the local Energy Action groups.

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